No Rest For The Wicked

Falling asleep at 7 p,m.
Falling asleep at 7 p,m.

What a busy weekend it has been.

From meeting my cousin Mikasa for the first time to helping mommy make yema balls for the Christmas party, I just have not had time to put my paws up and relax.

So Sunday night, daddy’s friend came over to exchange gifts and eat glorious lamb chops, and really, I didn’t want to be rude, but at around 7 p.m. I was cuddling Rabbitbear and trying desperately not to fall asleep.

I’m recharging my batteries this week because starting Thursday, there’s going to be more travelling to the suburbs and hanging out with family and friends.

PS – I know I mentioned my cousin, so as a treat to my fans, she will write as a guest on my blog sometime soon!

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Christmas Party Outfit Poll

Help! Fashion Crisis!
Help! Fashion Crisis!

I’m going over to grandma’s Christmas party tomorrow and I’m torn between three equally fabulous outfits. Now, I would like to be able to wear all three, but there’s going to be loads of people there, and I don’t think I can get away for costume changes. Everyone will be too busy fawning over me so I need one knockout outfit that will scream, “Look how majestic I am!”

Help me pick out my outfit!

Outfit 1 is a warm grey cableknit sweater.

Outfit 2 is brown and green festive sweater.

Outfit 3 is…well, what do you think of me letting it all hang out and going au naturel?

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TBT: Summer Haircut

Fresh out of the salon.
Fresh out of the salon.

Oh, look at me sitting all pretty. This was my summer haircut last year. I really enjoyed being trimmed down in the summer because I look well groomed and someone even told me I looked like a miniature fox.

I’m not a winter baby at all and I’m counting down the days until I can go out in my bikini again and not have to worry about the disgusting Toronto slush ruining my pawdicure.

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Dogs Go To Heaven After All

Are there bully sticks in heaven?
Are there bully sticks in heaven?

I’ve heard that word thrown around a bunch of times, but I still don’t quite know what it’s all about. Honestly, the thought of dying seems so final that I find it hard to grasp the idea of an “Afterlife”.

Well, if Pope Francis says my mommy and daddy will be there, then count me in.

Although, they’ve been naughty lately, running off buying presents and visiting with people and not taking me with them so I’m not so sure real estate have been set aside for them there.

Then again, New Year’s is just around the corner and I’ve heard humans like to make promises to be better people in the new year. We’ll see how my parents do!

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Grumpy Tree Dog

You got your shot, now take me down!
You got your shot, now take me down!

On Saturday, a ragtag team of my mommy’s friends and family came over to help pick out a tree and decorate our loft with glitter, string lights and silver ribbons.
I got left behind to my own devices while they went to Metro to pick out a small tree, with a promise to bring back something nice for me.

True to her word, my mommy got me a necklace (she said it’s a human bracelet) but kept it under wraps, putting it in my stocking. I really wanted to see it but I suppose she did have a point. I would much rather open everything in my stocking all at once. That’s the spirit of Christmas!

Anyway, the day went by peacefully until our guests left and the parents thought it would be a good idea to put me on the table where the tree is. That table is about a foot, maybe two feet or so above the ground and maybe they haven’t tried being so high up before, but it scared the bejesus out of me. Take a look at the photo again and witness pure terror.

One day, I swear, I’ll put them right in their place. For now, I continue to be a good girl for Santa’s Good Doggies List.

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Winter Is Coming


According to a TV show my mom likes to watch, winter is coming. She may enjoy watching a show whose premise is that it’s always cold, but that doesn’t give her the right to brandish me with these god-awful rubber boots that are supposed to not only prevent me from slipping on the icy sidewalks, but keep my paws warm and free of frostbite as well. According to her.

Well, I’ll tell you what they are. They’re dorky as hell and there is no way I would be seen wearing them out in public. If it snows for weeks and the sidewalks are slushy, I am staying in and staying put. My dogfolk originated from Mexico. Sure, I was born on a farm in Barrie, but my natural instinct is to dig holes in the ground and stay warm. Not that I would ever do that. Dirt, mud, and slush are my Top Three No-Nos.

Anyway, I had a hard time walking in the boots, and my parents had the audacity to film me making a mockery out of myself. Just so you know, that video will never see the light of day. Although I have a feeling they’re already shown their friends and probably the Internet, so it might already be floating around somewhere.

After they filmed me I kind of just gave up and flopped down on the floor and didn’t move until mommy had to coax me with a treat.

And that’s how it’s done, folks!

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Am I A Bully?

Not Talking To You

For the sake of transparency and to show you that I’m not completely biased and self-centered, I’m disclosing something very disturbing that I overheard daddy say to mommy about me.

Apparently, he thinks that I’m a bully. 😦

“Sookie is totally a bully. She’s nervous and timid and she channels that through aggression.”

I’m hurt and I’m giving him the silent treatment. Unless, of course, he comes home with a bag of frosted cookies or perhaps a little blue box from Tiffany’s.

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What I Want For Christmas

Chilling by the window, waiting for Santa to arrive.
Chilling by the window, waiting for Santa to arrive.

Santa is coming ‘round the bend, and I want to make sure that I end up on his Nice Doggies list. Several precautions have been taken to ensure my name will be on several presents under the tree this year, such as:

  1. Being quiet instead of barking when I hear other dogs on our floor bark and/or people knock on the door.
  2. Staying still when the parents brush my hair out.
  3. Not peeing on the floor.

I’ve been working on the above and so far I haven’t had any problems achieving them, although I find it terribly difficult to keep quiet when daddy comes home from work. But really, it’s his own damn fault. How am I supposed to contain my excitement when I hear him walking down the hall when he’s left me all by my lonesome self all day? Let’s blame that one on him. I’m sure Santa is taking my side on this one.

Assuming Santa is satisfied with my behavior so far, I’ve already come up with a list of Things I Want For Christmas. This list also serves as a subtle hint for my parents, in case Santa’s reindeers are late, or maybe his budget is just a little too tight this year to get me everything on my list.

One Week Stay at the Royal Pets Hotel and Spa

How about a weeklong stay at this wonderful hotel? I get some much needed alone time and I’m sure mommy and daddy will want some quality time as well, so I’m not really asking for much, aren’t I? Everybody wins! I just hope I get along with the other guests. My only concern is that they would be rugged country dogs and honestly, my pawdicure is too expensive to get ruined by some silly rough housing.

Crystal Cascade Champagne Dog Necklace by Chien Coature

They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, and I’ll agree with that statement 100% every time. But look at this crystal necklace! It’s like it was made for me. I can’t wait for summer to wear this. This precious bling will sparkle around my neck in the sun and all the other dogs around will know exactly who’s boss.

Lillian Cuddle Couch

Oh. Em. Gee. Just picture this pink cloud of fluff and the sexiest Chihuahua lounging on it, being waited paw and paw by her mommy and daddy while drinking Cristal out of a crystal bowl.

So, Santa (also, mommy, daddy), I’m being nice and giving you two whole weeks to get your ducks in a row. I’m glad it’s turning out to be a mild winter this year and getting the items on my list will definitely be the cherry on top.

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