Dear Sookie: Bears, Bears, Bears

If you were a bear, what kind of bear would you be?


Panda Polar Bear Grizzly Bear
Panda Bear
Polar Bear
Grizzly Bear

Out of the three listed above (apparently koalas aren’t bears…), I think if I were a bear, I’d be…

Well, this is really hard.

I’m as cute as a panda bear, but I really wouldn’t do well eating bamboo. I’m a carnivore at heart.

Which brings us to the polar bear and the grizzly bear. Both eat meat.

So at this point, it’s a tie.

But I think I’ll go with the grizzly because I hate the cold and the snow and all things related to it.

So there you go, Todd. If I were a bear, I’d be a grizzly bear.


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